Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cheap VTech - V.Smile Pull n' Play Phone

VTech - V.Smile Pull n' Play Phone
Customer Ratings: 4 stars
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I'm disspointed, I thought this was going to be a big hit. I was wrong. Here are a sampling of my problems with this toy:

1. The handle doesn't stay on the base well.

2. The cord is too short (granted this is probably a mandatory safety issue so we can't hold the manufacturer responsible), so your head has to be very akwardly close to the base to "talk" into the receiver.

3. It's on wheels but can't be pulled by the phone handle b/c that comes out of the side, and again is fairly short.

4. In voice (versus music) mode, it says the number you press than beeps; if you press a series of numbers, i.e. 1, 2, 3, it will say those numbers as you press them without beeping inbetween but if you press the same number twice in a row it will not repeat the number, it will just go on finishing the appropriate number of beeps so... the child can't practice dialing numbers since many real phone numbers have the same number in repetition such as 555-1234 (it would say 5 and beep 5 times even as you press the 5 key twice more).

5. The button to make the dog holding the phone pop up is hard for little children to press (have to press hard to work).

6. My son has had this from about 6 months to now 20 months and it RARELY gets played with. We rotate toys so he's not overwhelmed with choices, but I've always kept this one in the mix and he almost never plays with it. So, above all my complaints, the fact is that the child just doesn't think it fun enough to play with.

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This toy was given to my 10 month old son. It is loud and difficult to understand what is being said. It doesn't really look like a phone (as we know them today) so he doesn't relate the toy to our telephone. This toy is also quite heavy and the cord is too short to use as a pull toy, but rather as a weapon. My son like to whip the heavy toy around and knock me in the knees or his father in the head. The danger this toy poses and the utter annoyance of the voices, far out way any possible educational value of this toy.

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We have the old version of this phone. Im not sure if this one has a cord that is on the front of it but ours did. Im writing this to warn everyone who is upset that the cord on this toy is too short. Ours had a cord for the phone and a cord to pull the toy with. I was in making dinner one day and i heard some crying and i walked in to find both of the two cords got tangled some how around one of my little boys neck! when i got it off there was a deep purple indent on his poor neck. Now i know some people might be saying i need to watch my babies more but only a mother of twins would understand how hard it is. Now the cord to pull the toy has been cut off, they still like the toy however. Im just glad i got to him in time.

Honest reviews on VTech - V.Smile Pull n' Play Phone

My daughter has had this phone since 6 months and she loves it. She is 1 year now. If your child loves phones (mine really does!), any phone will do to get them away from the real phones, which they really want...

The cord is too short, of course. It could have been a little longer, since most parents, with a longer cord would be watching their kid anyway. I would rather have a shorter cord, but we'll see when she gets older... it's frustrating for me especially trying to show her how to say "hi / bye" on it...

The music is good and there is a lot of variety in it... lots of songs. I like the fact that the doggy talks to the child and communicates with a clear enough voice to hear.

If you bump the phone it makes noise, but when i'm playing with her at the time, it draws her to the phone.

The busy signal is annoying and I don't even know why they put that in there. The number noises kind of sound like Spongebob Squarepants sometimes and the others sort of sound like Barney.

Educationally, the phone is pretty cute and good! It teaches numbers, if they can recognize the symbols, that is.

Over all, I really love the phone! It' cute... the doggy pops up and down... But the reciever doesn't stay on that good and the toy is kind of loud and the cord is too short. (good thing there are volume options and an off option).

Baby Girl likes it though and bounces to the music, as with a lot of the rest of her musical toys... this one is one of the most that she bounces to, though.

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I am not very pleased with this toy. We have tons of music/noise toys, but this is the worst. I think my 10 month old is often turned off by it's noises as much as we. We've had it for 3 weeks now and he's played with it very little.

There are two options -music and talking. The music option will play a cute kid song when you hit the buttons. The talking setting will shout out a number (and eventually drive you nuts), so that's why I'll rate this ok for educational purposes. Also at times, you'll hear a busy signal (which they may as well put screeching-nails-on-a-chalkboard sounds).

There is a volume control, but even on the quieter setting it's very loud. Even for those of us with selective hearing, this toy just penetrates the ear drums. Just bumping the phone can trigger loud songs/noises. You don't actually need to hit a button. And sometimes I don't even know why it makes noises.

The good option -there IS an off switch for the noise. (I just was rocking him for a nap, and the chair bumped the phone. It was disturbingly loud. Had I turned the phone OFF, I wouldn't have had that problem. ) And it also seems to be very sturdy. As much as I would love him to break it, I doubt he'll be doing that any time soon.

I will look for a more simple and realistic phone for my son to enjoy...he still prefers our real phone and it's simple beeps.

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