I purchased this game for $24.99 before email discount directly from the Leapfrog website for my grandson's 4th birthday. He has been playing games on the computer at school, laptop at home and my iphone,so we thought he was ready for a system he could play on his own. I thought this game would help teach him how to write and draw. He can already recognize his letters and numbers. He stayed home sick from pre-K today and his mom said he was content to play this game for a good portion of the day. He chose to play Mr. Pencil over Toy Story 3 and Dora! Great gaming system for a preschooler. Would recommend you sign up on the Leapfrog website to get their emails so you can take advantage of their email discounts, too.
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We got the new Leapster Explorer for our 3 year old for his birthday. I know he is a little young, but he always wanted to play vidoe games at the same time as his 5 year old brother, and it had just been released. This was one of the 2 initial games I bought for him, and what a good choice it was. He has always liked to color and draw and has always seemed to be more deliberate when he is creating than his older brother. Let me tell you this was one of the best purchases I ever made. He will sit and play with this game for quite a while, which is out of character for him unless he is truly engaged. This game focuses on repairing the town with Mr. Pencil and teaches kids to draw, beginning with straight lines, etc. I would really recommed this title as one of the first you get for younger kids with the Leapster Explorer, especially if they like to color. It's a really good first step, as it requires no letter or number recognition (reading/math) so you can start them really young, but it does progress into those areas.
Best Deals for LeapFrog Explorer Learning Game: Mr. Pencil Saves Doodleburg (works
I have played this game to check out what my son would be playing and I can see why he gets frustrated. The game freezes for 30 seconds at times (Yes, I actually timed it)and it can be too sensitive for someone learning to write. I have watched my son try to draw on the dotted line and if he barely gets off the line it makes him start the entire drawing over. Love the game idea and really like what it teaches but it needs some improvements.
Honest reviews on LeapFrog Explorer Learning Game: Mr. Pencil Saves Doodleburg (works
My son is pretty advancd for his age and recently received the Leapster Explorer for his 3rd birthday. It's literally the only game he plays! It's a super cute game that lets the kids "fix" the town after a tornado and storm come through and destroy everything. Your child "fixes" each area of the town (town hall, the park, race track, clock tower, library, etc) by drawing the needed shapes, letters, numbers, or coloring in different items (on this one they are told to choose a specified color from the color wheel then color in an item completely). The game doesn't allow a sloppy letter/shape, coloring job to pass (well not really "pass" but i dont know how else to explain it.) It will tell the child to either "keep the stylus on the screen" or to "stay close to the dotted line" which ever the issue was. therefore the child knows IMMEDIATELY what they did wrong and how to fix it. It is a little forgiving on some things (for instance you can draw a circle on the hexagon shape and it'll pass) which is to be expected since some kids are still very young. The voices can be kind of annoying to my ears but my son loves them :) My only complaint so far is that since my son is predominantly left handed, his left hand touches the screen a lot while he's drawing or coloring... which the game recognizes as him "being off the dotted line" which frustrates him when he knows that he IS on the dotted line, therefore i have to kind of hold his hand up a little or tilt the Explorer a little so his hand isn't touching. But that is so rare that it isnt a huge complaint at all. OH and after the child "fixes" a certain part of the town they can go back into it and it is a interactive coloring page. There is also an "art museum" (i think that's what it's called) that is a blank page and they can pick any tool (pencil, pen, paint, etc), color (primary and secondary), erasers, stamps, patterns, etc on it. He really enjoys that too. The last time he got into the game i also noticed that there are "lessons" that you can go into instead of the game itself. In there your child can learn to write any upper or lower case letter, shape (which by the way include square, rectangle, two types of triangles, a circle, an oval, a hexagon, vertical/horizontal/diaganol lines, etc), and i think they can learn about colors too. Anyways to sum it up: IT ROCKS!!!!!
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Please do not purchase this item if your child is left-handed. As it is not left-handed friendly!!!! It forces the child to write as a right-hander. The concepts are great though! I called them. I hope they will make the appropriate changes
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