My son loves this train. He got it for his 1st birthday, is now almost 2 and still plays with it every day! He loves that the seat lifts up and he can put things in it. Before he could walk he liked pulling himself up on it and playing with the toys on the sides. I have to say I always worried about him pinching his fingers in the seat but it never happened. The music is a little loud but I just put a sticker over the speaker and that toned it down quite a bit. All in all I think it is the most used toy he has ever received.
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This is the best toy my son has ever received! Don't pay attention to the person who gave it 1 star toddlers are going to fall and will tip over anything that's not bolted to the ground! This is by far the sturdiest push toy we've come across (my son had 4 others). He goes straight to it everyday and plays in so many ways with all the buttons and activities. He got it for his 1st birthday and just loves it! Even though he's in the 90th percentile for height his little feet can't quite touch the ground yet, but he loves for us to push him around on it.
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I took my 2 year old son to a birthday party where the little boy got this toy. All the kids wanted to play with it and would not leave it alone. Especially my little boy so I decided to get it for him for Easter. He loves it and I am glad I got it for him. He like to drag it inside and out. He has a blast with it. Just a heads up the yellow back piece comes out so don't pick it up by that handle with your child on it.
Honest reviews on LEAPFROG Ride On Train
For what should be a pretty straightforward toy, there are a few odd designs that really subtract from the overall experience. First, as others have mentioned, there's no off switch. Second, the seat is supposed to open up for storage, but the backrest gets in the way and has already led to more than one pinched finger. Finally, and this may be nit-picky, but it's really silly to put the trigger for the whole alphabet song on a rotating gear. So when a child spins the gear around and around, you get a stuttering "Let's let's let's let's let's let's sing let's lets' s let's sing let's let's let's sing the let's let's sing the alphabet song!"
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My baby loves this train. This helped with the learning to walk process which has now been, for the most part, been mastered. Plus, it has so many different things to touch on it. I think that was probably more enjoyable than pushing it. Or sitting on it. Just be careful because my lil one liked to stand on the seat. Unsafe, for sure.
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