Monday, December 30, 2013

Reviews of Elenco Snap Circuits SC-750R Student Training Program

Elenco Snap Circuits SC-750R Student Training Program
Customer Ratings: 5 stars
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We bought this for my five year old son as his big "finale" Christmas present. He'd been after us for about a year for one of these sets, but given the expense involved at retail locations we had to hold off for an event. A couple of weeks ago we paid a paltry $110 for the above. Perhaps it will come down again later, maybe it was a mistake.

Regardless, this item is indeed worth it at twice the price. The quality of all components is faultless. The case is well worth it, and holds all parts securely. Each bay is even labeled. The books are very well made, printed with bright sharp colors and well written. So far the projects are well paced for my son and I. He can follow the diagrams and put most of them together with only occasional clarification provided by myself.

You will want to do this with your kids. Or, I guess, I think you SHOULD want to do this with your kids. My five year old quickly decided he wanted to design his own circuits. He was able to tell me what he wanted it to do, and we built it together. Though it was his idea to test his own design, he did need my help planning it out and may have caused some damage without it. We're smart folks, but beyond scant high school memories of cursory lessons, I'm mostly ignorant of electronics. My guess is, if you're even considering buying this for your children, you and your kids will have a lot of fun learning with this product.

Utterly satisfied. And again, we would be at twice the price.

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If you think you want this, or that someone might like it, you're probably right.

It might be a bit overwhelming for a young kid with no guidance but I feel like it's a perfect "learn by doing" training kit for understanding electronic component assembly and design.

If you're not on a tight budget I'd recommend going with the higher numbered kits. You can always upgrade but (at least for me) there's merit to removing friction/barriers to momentum when I'm learning a new subject. OTOH you could always use upgrade purchases as incentives for progress.

The documentation seems excellent. I'm still working through the Student manual. I haven't used the (Windows only) computer interface so I can't comment more on that.

You'll definitely want to buy the AC adapter (not included, there is a space for it in the case). Although in short order you'll probably be able to build your own ;-).

Best Deals for Elenco Snap Circuits SC-750R Student Training Program

Awesome kit for kids and teens. My 10 and 12 year old boys spend hours putting together electronic projects and haven't even gotten to the coolest part hooking the leads to the family computer to use the imbedded Oscilliscope (shows the shape, duration, amplitude of the electricity (harmless battery power only) at various points in the circuits they create. Over 700 projects and easy to understand samples of each with great directions. My boys just call me in to check out their project when finished (I don't even help them usually).

I like the case too I believe it's worth the extra money to get it keeps everything organized.

Honest reviews on Elenco Snap Circuits SC-750R Student Training Program

I wasn't 100% sold on buying this gift for an 8 year old when I first saw it.. In fact it looked way too hard and/or maybe just a little boring..!! It looked like it couldn't be very much fun for an 8 yr. old kid.. But the reviews looked so good that I decided to take a big chance on it..

I bought this for my grandsons 8th B-Day party and it totally surprised me by being the big "hit" gift for him, out of many other very cool gifts he got.. Plus it was the one gift he just had to open up and check out way before any others..

He then took right to it and began building several projects from the first projects book.. In a very short time he was snaping parts together just like he was an old pro with building legos.. The big difference, it really does something when it's all finished.. Once he finished one working project he was then even more pumped to move on to building the next one.. Very cool, indeed..!!

The bottom line is he was having a whole lot of fun with it.. And as a grandparent, I was having much more fun just watching him..

I really don't know about the educational value of it just yet.. It's still way too early to say.. But I do know when something just "clicks" for my grandson.. You can just see it in his eyes.. And this old grandpa does know when he's finally hit a "B-Day gift" homerun in my best ever little buddy's eyes..

I'm very pleased with this item and I'm pleased with this entire Amazon purchase..

PS I've often wondered if all these reviews we're just placed here by the many manufacturers.. But after this last recommended item purchase of mine, I'd more have to say they only seem to be some very "dead on" item reviews..

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We've only been playing with this for about a week, but my 8 and 11 year olds are having a blast with it. This is a great teaching tool. Just by the way the projects are sequenced they are able to learn a lot about electronics. This product includes the Student Guide and Teachers Guide which we haven't used yet, but it looks fantastic and will ensure that this doesn't end up just being a bag of gadgets. It also has a computer interface (not used yet) but that looks like another great piece to the whole kit. This kit has it all.

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